- Children’s Health Defense - https://childrenshealthdefense.org/
- Informed Consent Action Network - https://icandecide.org
- The Highwire - https://thehighwire.com
- Vaccine Guide - https://vaccine.guide/?fbclid=IwAR1EdwXTg71RryoYfvu0khZtOT8xv3O0OAhyYkF-uua1vlVj1NfMUeIuffk
- Vaccination Re-education - https://vaccinationedu.com
- Learn the Risk - https://learntherisk.org
- National Vaccine Information Center - https://www.nvic.org
- World Council For Health - https://worldcouncilforhealth.org
- Vax Research - http://vaxresearch.com
- Visionlaunch - http://visionlaunch.com/?s=Vaccines
- America’s Frontline Doctors - https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org
- Dr. Green Mom - https://drgreenmom.com
- Just the Inserts - https://www.justtheinserts.com
- Circle of Mamas - https://circleofmamas.com
- Fluoride Action Network - https://fluoridealert.org
- Think Twice - http://www.thinktwice.com/
- Dr. Suzanne Humphries’ Website - https://drsuzanne.net
- Vaccine Safety Research Foundation - https://www.vacsafety.org/
- Physicians for Informed Consent - https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/
- PAVE (People Advocating Vaccine Education) - https://vaccineeducation.org
- The Weston A. Price Foundation - https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics-category/vaccinations/